Friday, June 29, 2012

blog 1

     What makes me me is always a difficult question to put in to words. I mean I have always had people ask that question in some shape or form before. I can start out by saying I am a kind person. I know a lot of people say that about themselves, but I have people saying that to me or it is relayed to me through other people. Also I am not a person who gets angry easily. Sure there is probably a breaking point for me, but no one has gone that far yet. I am also goal oriented When I set my mind to something I want to finish that project before I move on to something else. People see me as a good friend to have (or that is what I hope they think about me). Sometimes I can be the funny guy in the group, sometimes mister personality, or just someone to talk to. In life I just want to try to be the friendlies, most helpful person in a group. In my blog I am going to try and keep them personal but it might cross between personal and professional.

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